So, Why Read it?

No joke. I’m sitting in the public library typing away about Bible study and an older gentleman walks by, stops and says incredulously, “I just saw this book title, ‘How to Read the Bible.’ Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? You open it up and you start at Genesis!” We laughed together, and talked for a minute, then he went and found it for me. I asked him if he’d ever read the Bible, and he said, “I started it. But it’s a big book.” I told him if he ever wanted to read it again he should start in the New Testament and read stories about Jesus. Then he left and I checked the book out and laughed all the way home.

There’s no way that gentleman knew I was sitting here BLOGGING about How to Read the Bible, although not in those exact words. How ironic. How amazing.IMG_2130

It’s exactly what I’ve been wrestling with over the past month. Why dedicate a whole blog to God’s word in everyday life? Why talk about Bible study tools, or applying the Bible’s message to our lives? Why even read it in the first place, let alone write about reading it?

There is so much written about Christian living today. Some wonderful books. Some not so wonderful. But none of it can substitute for The Book – God’s truth.

Our world today says truth is relative.

That is shaky ground.

If truth is relative, everything is relative. There is no standard for morals, no certainty of anything, no hope in the darkness.

God’s word is truth. He is truth. Knowing his word provides answers to all of life’s challenges. Yes, all.

It’s a light in the darkness. A weapon against the enemy. A promise to hold onto through difficulties. A comfort when no one else is near. Delicious food to nourish our hungry hearts.

Ultimately, it is the open doorway to knowing God. Read its pages – see God’s working, his character, and his promises. Hear him speak directly to you.

I’m blogging about God’s word in everyday life because I believe that God walks with us in our daily lives and that as he speaks to me through his word I can grow closer to his heart.

I’m writing about How to Read God’s Word because it IS a big book, and there’s a lot there that I don’t know yet but want so much to learn. By understanding more and more about the Bible, we can see deeper into the heart of God and be more grounded in his truth when the stress of life hits us over and over again.

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. Philippians 3:8, 10

Will you journey with me on this path to knowing God through his Word?

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