God is our King {31 Days}

Thanks for stopping by! This is Day 15 of my 2015 “31 Days Reflecting on God” series. Find the rest over here.

thirty one days elizabeth cravillion devotional reflecting on god king of glory

Who is this majestic king?
The Lord who is strong and mighty!
The Lord who is mighty in battle!

Who is this majestic king?
The Lord who commands armies!
He is the majestic king!
Psalm 24:8, 10

This morning as I read Psalm 24 to my kids, I asked them what a king was. Apparently I’ve severely neglected my son’s education about royalty because his intelligent answer was, “Um…” Then to be honest I had to sit back and think about how to describe kingship to him.

A King is…

Someone who has a lifelong right to rule. Usually hereditary rights, but in God’s case, he has the right because he created everything and it’s all his (Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s.”)

When we question why God gets to “make the rules” or choose how history plays out, we are forgetting that he’s the king and it’s his intrinsic right to do those things. Also, God’s lifetime will never end, because he is eternal. So his reign will never end either. We can find comfort and security in that.

Someone who is sovereign. Sovereignty brings authority. God has ultimate supremacy over all creation, seen and unseen. God could speak the word and create the world. When Jesus was on earth, he spoke the word and calmed stormy seas. The demonic world shakes in fear at his presence.

I often think I have some measure of control over my life. But then I step back and realize how many things I can’t control, as simple as an autumn thunderstorm, compared to my God who only has to breathe out the words to direct everything in the universe.

Many kings in history have abused their authority. But our King is good. He only does what is good.

Many kings in history have been weak-kneed. But our King is strong and mighty. He leads his armies into battle. He doesn’t just stay behind and point his scepter around. He’s on the front lines, marching in victory over his enemies.

Parts of this imagery feels foreign to me but it’s helpful to think in God outside of my little world. He’s not a God I can control or define on my terms. He’s higher. He’s mightier. He’s greater.

He is our majestic King.

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