We Meet Where our Needs Collide

A college student named Liz Skiles balanced a dozen spinning plates at once. She hosted a freshmen’s Bible study, helped lead weekly prayer times, worked on the school janitorial crew, played intramural sports, discipled girls one-on-one, kept up dozens of friendships, and organized the children’s ministry at her church, on top of scoring A’s in […]

So Your Faith Doesn’t Feel like Moving Mountains?

When did you last wish for something that felt out of reach?  Maybe living a balanced life instead of being frazzled and rushed? About traveling the world? Maybe starting something – a business, a family, a church? About writing a book or singing on stage or or climbing a mountain?  Have you, like me, started […]

How to be Okay When Nothing Feels Good

Today my friend prayed for me using a video app on her phone. Lately I’ve been reliving an anniversary of a traumatic hospitalization. Like, nightmares waking me up in a cold sweat, living agitated all day long, snapping at my kids because I’m self-protecting. That kind of thing.  And my friend prayed that I would […]

When You Can’t see the Tulips for the Clutter

I love life. Sunshine slanting through the window. Old men leaning across the table at Panera to laugh and share stories over coffee. The goldendoodle ripping across the yard toward me with his tennis ball, a giant grin on his face. My son giggling uncontrollably at the pirates in an old Disney movie.  But sometimes […]

You Color the World

At the steakhouse I scooped up the barely used crayons from my children’s menus and tossed them in my purse. They only lay there a couple weeks before I dug them out one night hoping for a less cluttered purse to take to the grocery store.  Now, they lay like sticks of confetti in front […]

I’m Back! (Or, On Doing What God Created Me to do)

Three years ago, I took a step of faith by creating this website. I bought the domain, figured out some web design, and started writing. Why? Because I’m a writer. I can’t not write. For years I barely even wrote in my journal because of college homework and then pregnancy brain. But it didn’t work. […]

Our Unfinished Story

How Healing Happens, Part 6 My grandpa was a man of few serious words. Oh, he talked plenty. But his native language was sarcasm in his New York Bronx accent. He would talk seriously about God in church but he wasn’t a man to often share words of wisdom or thoughtful compliments. He called me […]

God’s Role and Mine

How Healing Happens, Part 5 A blind man came to Jesus asking for healing. Jesus made mud, put it on his eyes and asked him to go wash it off. A rich ruler asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus told him to go sell all his possessions and follow […]

Groundwork for Change

How Healing Happens, Part 4 Over the past year, I’ve read some incredible books about growth. It seems like it should be fairly simple: plant the seeds, water them, and they grow. End of story. And it is that simple. But also not. God has designed a complex world. We know that there are multiple […]

Knowing Why

How Healing Happens, Part 3 If you have suffered from a long-lasting illness or injury, or a series of illnesses, you know how frustrating it is to do the “right” things over and over again without seeing much improvement. Healing takes time. Doctors like to say this. It should give the patient hope. And sometimes […]