Salvation Before Jesus Died: the OT in Short

“How can I be saved?” A man asked Paul. His answer? “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). This is how we, in the age of the church, understand salvation. We follow Jesus. So reading the Old Testament seems like jumping into a time machine. It’s like trying to […]

the Old Testament in short: Zion

The Bible is a big collection of books put together. It spans thousands of years and major shifts in culture. There’s a lot to piece together. I’m doing a study in Psalms with a friend right now and as I go along I plan to blog through some topics in the Old Testament that may […]

Launching into James: Intro

Hello friends! Soon we start reading James together. I wanted to briefly share some background info on the book and some basics for this study. Context to James Let’s start with a story. Did you know Jesus had several half-brothers and sisters? One was a man named James. Imagine growing up with a brother who […]

Context. Context. Context.

Why Bible Study – Part V Ever had an awkward moment where someone overheard you say something and mistook your meaning because they only heard part of what you said? They took it out of context, making you look bad. Because the Bible contains so much, we can easily bend what it actually says to […]