Salvation Before Jesus Died: the OT in Short

“How can I be saved?” A man asked Paul. His answer? “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). This is how we, in the age of the church, understand salvation. We follow Jesus. So reading the Old Testament seems like jumping into a time machine. It’s like trying to […]

the Old Testament in short: Zion

The Bible is a big collection of books put together. It spans thousands of years and major shifts in culture. There’s a lot to piece together. I’m doing a study in Psalms with a friend right now and as I go along I plan to blog through some topics in the Old Testament that may […]

Culture Here vs. There

Why Bible Study Part III Imagine walking into church Sunday morning. When you step inside, everyone welcomes you with a big, “Hey! How are you?” and a kiss on both cheeks. Be a little weirded out? On the other hand, in Latin America, a warm greeting similar to this welcomes you everywhere you go. It’s […]

Colorado Adventures {31 Days}

It took me two years to become certified to teach English as a second language. I tutored while at Emmaus but my biggest opportunity came the summer after my junior year. I traveled to Littleton, CO, where I spent the summer volunteer teaching an ESL class at a church there. I lived with a family […]

A Heart for the World {31 Days}

All my life I thought I might be a missionary someday. I visited a friend in Ireland when I was 18. At 19 I met a Kenyan believer who told me about the need in Kenya for women Bible teachers and I prayed a lot about going there. But Peru really won my heart when […]