Growing from Survival to Flourishing

What area of your life overwhelms you? For a long season, when I thought of caring for the physical needs of our home and family, waves of anxiety washed over me. So many tasks that were always undone. My to-do list was never crossed off and guilt attacked me. To begin to step out of […]

How to Have a Holiday Worth Remembering

There are picture perfect moments you’d like to treasure in your heart forever. And there are times you’d prefer absolutely no photographic evidence so you forget them as quickly as possible. Most of those polar opposite moments come around holidays…one of those being tomorrow. Valentine’s Day. Sometimes you love it. Sometimes you hate it. Most […]

Just Being Honest

There’s a trick to writing about God’s word…you have to actually be reading it. It blows my mind how I can know that the Bible changes me, blesses me, helps me worship, yet I just don’t make time to read it. Oh, I have the time. Maybe not the get-out-all-the-books-and-research kind of time but at […]

So, Why Read it?

No joke. I’m sitting in the public library typing away about Bible study and an older gentleman walks by, stops and says incredulously, “I just saw this book title, ‘How to Read the Bible.’ Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? You open it up and you start at Genesis!” We laughed together, and talked […]