My Thankfulness Journey {31 Days}

For years I’ve complained while going through trials. Dug my heels in and whined to God the whole time I struggled with something. But often I would reach the end of the difficulty, look back and see the benefit of it – the blessing of it and lessons learned through it. And I’d ask myself, […]

Real Love = Sacrifice {31 Days}

The spring semester of my junior year God took me through relationship boot camp. Nate and I were close friends but I was investing more than he was in our relationship and it was heading south. As two of my other friends who were dating each other worked through some things, I tried to give […]

Truth in the Dark {31 Days}

Shortly before leaving for college I took a Myers-Briggs personality test. I tested as a 100% extroverted ESFJ. One hundred percent. Looking back, it indicated my unhealthy dependence on people. Because I’d spent years wishing I lived closer to friends, I loved being surrounded by Christians at college. I made friendships left and right. Some […]

The Cut Makes me Whole {31 Days}

I’ve always been very opinionated about everything. When I was a freshman in college, everything was black and white to me. One right way to do everything. I had a set of standards for how life worked. And I was right, of course. Only, I was wrong. Not everything in life is absolute. See, when […]

Hunting for Approval {31 Days}

My grandpa discovered hunting when our family moved from Florida to Kansas. He bought a muzzleloader rifle among other guns and for a few years went deer hunting with it. Then the novelty wore off, but he always loved guns. I was his oldest granddaughter and called him “Pal.” I liked to shoot his guns […]

A Turning Point {31 Days}

Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy. One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet. Proverbs 27:5-7 Have you ever been jarred awake by the confrontation of a friend? It’s shocking, but if […]

Gods of Idolatry {31 Days}

In my last post I referred to people pleasing as an idol I worship. Today I’m writing about when God showed me the truth of idolatry in my life. I was 14. Instant messaging was popular but my dad didn’t feel like it was safe (because of online ambiguity). But mentally I justified chatting with […]

The Root of Untruths {31 Days}

It doesn’t take much to hurt a preteen girl in a way that sticks for a long time. At that age you just want to please people and to fit in. Recently God showed me that some fears I wrestle with come from wounds I received as a girl. As I’ve been digging deep I’ve […]