Love your Enemies?

Often when people read the Old Testament they are confused about the stories about enemies, wars Israel fought with God’s blessing, and phrases in books like Psalms such as “dash my enemies in pieces like a jar of clay.” How can the same God “destroy enemies” in one part of the Bible and tell us […]

Love is Sacrifice

Why I say “I love you” Something about little children causes you to stop and think about your words. It’s probably the way they ask “why” about everything. Or how they wonder “what do you mean?” “I love you.” The words roll easily off my tongue. This year as I explained Valentine’s day to my almost […]

Balance: Just Because I Can

“We must push beyond what is comfortable if we want to grow.” Susie Larson They tell me it isn’t normal to be able to rattle off 30 or 40 people’s names I’ve been actively reaching out to on any given week. Camp kids I write letters to. Elderly people whose houses I clean, who I […]

God is Near

As I wrote last month, I was laid up all of April, to the point where I wasn’t even cleaning my own house or doing my own dishes. My energy extended to changing diapers, feeding my children and lying on the floor while they played next to me. Things as simple as going outside and […]

If We Got What We Wished For – Deeper Life: James – Day 15

Begin your time with prayer Scripture James 4:1-5 Where do the conflicts and where do the quarrels among you come from? Is it not from this, from your passions that battle inside you? You desire and you do not have; you murder and envy and you cannot obtain; you quarrel and fight. You do not […]

How to Have a Holiday Worth Remembering

There are picture perfect moments you’d like to treasure in your heart forever. And there are times you’d prefer absolutely no photographic evidence so you forget them as quickly as possible. Most of those polar opposite moments come around holidays…one of those being tomorrow. Valentine’s Day. Sometimes you love it. Sometimes you hate it. Most […]

Specifics for Bible Study

Okay, so imagine with me you’re on a first date. The conversation goes like this: “So where do you work?” “McDonalds.” “Do you have family in town?” “No.” “What do you like to do for fun?” “Read.” Et cetera. No added information from them. No follow-up questions from you asking for more details. No reciprocating […]

Real Life Christmas

Just wanted to share a taste of real life this Christmas in the Cravillion home. I love holiday traditions. Coziness. Laughter. Memories. But with two children this year in our household, the craziness has multiplied. I’ll be honest, most days this December have been crabby and exhausting, not merry and bright. But the reality is […]

How to be Thankful When You’re Tired

As I’m sitting here typing this, I hear the water draining out of the bathtub and the pitter patter of feet running around which means I have a 2-year-old streaker on my hands downstairs. His dad fell asleep reading and his little sister is already in bed so that means I get to go dress […]

My Thankfulness Journey {31 Days}

For years I’ve complained while going through trials. Dug my heels in and whined to God the whole time I struggled with something. But often I would reach the end of the difficulty, look back and see the benefit of it – the blessing of it and lessons learned through it. And I’d ask myself, […]