God Deserves all the Glory {31 Days}

Thanks for stopping by! This is Day 9 of my 2015 “31 Days Reflecting on God” series. Find the rest over here.

day 9

For my sake alone I will act,
for how can I allow my name to be defiled?
I will not share my glory with anyone else! Isaiah 48:11

Not to us, O Lord, not to us!
But to your name bring honor,
for the sake of your loyal love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1

Sometimes I find it challenging to look past myself. Even when it comes to reflecting on God. I like to pull everything back to “how does this relate to me?” or “how does this change my life?”

But I was not put here on this earth for myself. To swirl around in my own galaxy where I am the sun and all of life revolves around me. No. I’m in a world where God is the center. Even on days I forget it, my life orbits him and he’s the one shining down light and life on me in his mercy.

God says, “For my sake alone I will act.” In light of what he says about leading me and planning out my days and working everything together for my good, this throws me off just a little. Wait…isn’t he doing good for my sake?

God is in his very essence is good. So to act in anything but goodness toward his creation would contradict his character. The same goes for every one of his qualities. When he keeps his promises, he shows off his faithfulness. When he forgives, he reveals his gracious heart.

All of it benefits us. But all of it magnifies who he is. It shouts, “Look at God! Drop at his feet in worship! There is no one like him!”

I settle for less every time I find anything besides God to satisfy me. When I’m lonely and crave the deep connection of a friend, unless I let that hunger drive me to God, I’m accepting something inferior. When I’m broken and I try to patch the wounds myself, it’s like trying to fix a complex fracture with a Band-aid.

What if I let the challenges of each day drive me to my knees where I prayed, “God, how can I find you in this? Where are you waiting to show off your character and glory in my frustration?”

What if I said, “God, it’s not about me today. It’s about showing off your glory in my life, no matter what I go through. I want your name lifted high.”

He’s going to do it anyway. Why not be willing to let him?

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