Deeper Life: James – Day 3


Hello, God! It has been a rough day and I am just asking you to quiet my mind and heart. Please help me to focus as I spend time with you. I want to see you in your word today. I love you. I need you. Thanks. 

James 1:9-12
Now the believer of humble means should take pride in his high position. But the rich person’s pride should be in his humiliation, because he will pass away like a wildflower in the meadow. For the sun rises with its heat and dries up the meadow; the petal of the flower falls off and its beauty is lost forever. So also the rich person in the midst of his pursuits will wither away. Happy is the one who endures testing, because when he has proven to be genuine, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him.

Today I’d like to share an alternative translation that has helped me understand this passage better.

The brother who is poor may be glad because God has called him to the true riches. The rich may be glad that God has shown him his spiritual poverty. For the rich man, as such, will wither away as surely as summer flowers. One day the sunrise brings a scorching wind; the grass withers at once and so do all the flowers—all that lovely sight is destroyed. Just as surely will the rich man and all his extravagant ways fall into the blight of decay. James 1:9-11, Phillips New Testament

What is James saying, in your own words?
Who are the two types of people is he contrasting here?

Digging below the surface
What is the common factor between the poor and the rich man?

Look back at the previous verses in this chapter. Who would you say is the truly happy person? Does it matter if they are rich or poor?

What does it seem God’s view on earthly riches is, from these verses?

Making it stick
How do you see yourself? Poor? Rich? Does it matter?

What do you have to be thankful for, no matter what the state of your checking account?

deeper life elizabeth cravillion james day 3 bible studyNotes
Money. James digs into this touchy subject right away. Poor, rich, middle class people – these will always exist. James quickly points out the great equalizer: our mortality. We will die. Money will pass away. Our stuff will get broken, and wear out, or go out of style.

The truly happy person recognizes what God is doing in his heart. If I feel poor at the moment, I can be thankful that “God has called me to true riches.” If I’m doing better financially, I can be thankful that God has shown me my true need that can’t be met with money – my need for God.

God’s work, that carving out patient endurance in my heart through the trials and challenges I face, will last forever. I need more of God. Nothing else really matters.

Lord, help me to focus on you, and the true, eternal riches of a godly character and a steadfast heart and the crown of life. May I be patient in temptations and trials. None of those things come naturally. Help me, dear God. I want to see things the way you see them. I want to trust you and not worry about money, or compare myself with those who have more than I do. Be the center of my life, Jesus.

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