Life Creative, Book Review {Tool 7}

“Here’s the most amazing part: you’re just being you— altogether beautiful you, amidst the chaotic rhythms of motherhood. Capturing great glimpses of glory with your camera at the sandlot over brown bag lunches. And when you lay your little ones down for naps, out it flows— the inspired offering of a creative woman.

I’m here to tell you this is a worthy use of your life: both the grand offering of motherhood, and the smaller gifting of artistic self-expression. I hear you and see you, and am experiencing you as you pin your way through new recipes and craft ideas. As you redesign your child’s room and paint her walls with murals, I stand in awe of your outpouring. This is the flow of a Renaissance mom.”
Life Creative, Wendy Speake and Kelli Stuart

When you have an artistic soul, which many of us do, it can be easy, especially in difficult seasons, to let your love for beauty get crushed beneath the load of responsibilities or insecurities life brings.

I know that, personally, over the past 10 years, my appreciation for beauty and expression of creativity has eroded. But I didn’t realize just how much so until I read Life Creative by Wendy Speake and Kelli Stuart. Every chapter I read in this book made me cry. It felt like reading a poem celebrating how God made me to create, like he creates.

These women explore the idea of a “Renaissance mom,” which they define as a woman who is multi-talented and reborn out of the “dark ages” of motherhood, one whom God has enlightened, just like the artists and reformers of the historical Renaissance.

They share story after story of how women use their God-given gifts to bless their families and others. They write about practical ways to practice our art, but they speak more to the mom’s heart to encourage her to pursue what makes her come alive.

Day 7

This book sparked creativity in me again. I started challenging myself to practice drawing and painting again. I looked for areas in my home, like my laundry space, where I could bring fun and personality. And I’ve been able to appreciate, maybe for the first time in my life, the value of my creativity and sense of fun. To see that when I plan parties for my kids, I’m using my gifts. When my friend thinks of a fun way for her kids to practice spelling their names, she’s showing off her talents in a special way.

Day 7

I shared this book with several dear friends and they responded just like I did. Even if you don’t see yourself as a creative mom, this book will change your mind.

I truly believe God made us to reflect his image as the Creator. It looks different for every person, but it’s there.

“This Renaissance is the breeze to give you flight, but it all starts with the One who gave you wings. Rest fully in the knowledge that your creativity was not an accident, nor is your present circumstance of motherhood. They are both gifts from Him, both parts of a Master plan, woven and knit into beautiful you. God has a plan for your creativity, even in the seemingly dormant years— the dark ages before the dawning light.”

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