God is Incomparable {31 Days}

Thanks for stopping by! This is Day 1 of my 2015 “31 Days Reflecting on God” series. Find the rest over here. day 1

“To whom then will you compare me,
that I should be like him?” says the Holy One. Isaiah 40:35

We are creatures with logical minds. We like what we can see, taste, touch, and explain. Yet God asks us to walk by faith without seeing him face to face. How can we comprehend a God we can’t see and touch?

As a mom, a kids’ church teacher, a youth group volunteer, a writer, and more, most of my days I’m in a place where I’m explaining something about God to someone. I pray for wisdom – for the right words to describe him, to explain his mysteries.

Yet in reality, my words can’t change anyone. Only personally encountering the living God changes people. Whole libraries have been written trying to explain God. But he’s not some theory to be discussed. He’s a person to be known. And he shows up in a unique way to every person who seeks him.

God is real. He is true. He created us to be like him yet he is unlike any of us in so many ways.

I find that just when I think I have a handle on who God is, he finds a way to surprise me. I can’t pin a label on him. In fact, sometimes the easiest way to explain what he’s like is to describe how he’s different from myself. I tell my little boy, “You know how Mommy gets mad and yells at you? Well, God will never yell at you like that no matter what you do wrong.” There is peace knowing God can’t be compared to myself, or to any other person.

I don’t know why God asks us to walk by faith in this life. But he does promise that one day we will see him just as he is and know him as we are known. Until then I keep my eyes fixed on the truth that no one compares to him and that makes him truly amazing.

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