God is our Creator {31 Days}

Thanks for stopping by! This is Day 6 of my 2015 “31 Days Reflecting on God” series. Find the rest over here.  day 6

The true God, the Lord —
the one who created the sky and stretched it out,
the one who fashioned the earth and everything that lives on it,
the one who gives breath to the people on it,
and life to those who live on it. Isaiah 42:5

My husband recently started a fish hobby. He purchased a 90-gallon tank on Craigslist, refinished the stand and painted the back of the tank. He researched fish for weeks and carefully chose the kind he wanted. He bought special desert wood pieces for décor and soaked them and scrubbed them till they were ready to use. He built a canopy for the tank with his dad. Every week he cleans the tank and rearranges it.

And then he sits and watches his fish. He tells me often how much he loves the tank and the fish. He takes so much joy in the work of his hands.

No one would look at that fish tank and think how great the fish were for creating their own environment, or that maybe it all came together by chance. No…they come into our house and admire the tank and compliment my husband. And their praise thrills him because he’s proud of his creation.

I love the imagery in this verse from Isaiah – God stretched out the sky and fashioned the earth – makes me think of playing play dough with my little boy. But we’re talking about the sky and the earth here. Gorgeous, incomparable fascinating creation that lives and moves and breathes. And I love how it says that God gives breath to each person who lives here.

Take in a deep breath. That was a gift from God.

Now think – what a world God has created. How he must enjoy his creation! Just looking at it – soaking up you and me and how we laugh and feel and mourn just as he does. Enjoying the sunsets and the changing fall leaves.

Better yet, when we recognize his creative power and compliment him for it. He must beam with joy because we get it and appreciate it. Psalm 22:3 says that God “sits receiving the praises of his people.” Our creator loves to be praised for his creation. And he deserves it.

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